Matchmaking is a matchmaking service by profile, interests, lifestyle and personality. This service was born for a very exclusive segment of American society a decade ago and in the last five years it has expanded with great success to northern Europe, naming a new subsector with a constant double-digit annual growth rate.
In Spain there are several companies that in the last 5 years present themselves as matchmaking companies, but only those certified by Matchmaking Corporation are those that have the quality standards and the appropriate methodology to be able to offer the best service in terms of professionalism, efficiency and confidentiality.
Matchmaking, then, is neither a contact website, nor an agency that organizes events, nor speed dating; is a new business model whose objective is to present two people who fit together and are compatible in profile, interests, values, style and life project.
On the other hand, and although it is already a normalized aspect, the inclusion of women in the labor sector has made them also demanding when choosing the one that has led to selective mating with a clear tendency to professional inbreeding.
Additionally, technology has changed the way of meeting people; dating applications, dating websites, international online clubs by invitation, social networks, etc.
2) guaranteed results,
3) personalized service,
4) differential value of the human factor,
5) professional methodology,
6) exclusivity and quality of candidates,
7) networking,
8) verification of profiles and their motivations,
9) confidentiality and
10) opportunity cost.
AURA Matchmaking is committed to fulfilling the commitments acquired. AURA Matchmaking undertakes to present its client to that person who meets the objective profile validated with the client, in a time and manner specified according to the contract, leaving only physical attraction in their hands, which is a necessary but not sufficient condition to achieve a lasting relationship.
Joining AURA Matchmaking means that you have the opportunity to become a candidate to later join a select group of people who may have a “match” with one of our clients. Becoming a candidate means being a passive client, that is, we do not carry out an active search, but it may be that you fit in with a client so it is an excellent opportunity to meet your ideal partner. The success of AURA Matchmaking reflects the excellence of our work and especially the success of our selection criteria when choosing our clients and candidates. As an Affiliate, you will have the possibility of meeting one of these exclusive clients, as long as your profile fits with the requirements of your “ideal partner” previously defined with us. If you want to Join, feel free to fill out our Affiliate Questionnaire here.