Love at first sight. What does science say?

Why do we fall in love? And why do we feel attracted to some people and not to others?

Putting love under the microscope of science has been the goal of neurobiologist and anthropologist Helen Fisher for nearly 30 years. “Throughout history, human beings have been able to compose songs for love, sing for love, dance for love. To live, die and kill for love ”, she explains. What happens, then, in the human brain? She is the person in the world who has spent the most time studying it.

At the end of the 90s, she began her research by performing brain scans on 49 men and women. Some of them were madly in love, others had been rejected. Soon after, she included people who were still in love after decades of marriage. According to their conclusions, the human brain has developed three brain systems in couple relationships: romantic love, sexual attraction and affection, or attachment. “Love can start with any of these feelings, and it can be explained through the connections in our brain,” says Fisher.

When asked if love is blind, she affirms: “When we are in love, the area of ​​the brain that is related to fear and alertness is deactivated. Like a temporary insanity. “

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